Friday, June 12, 2009

The 'Next One' got one!!!

Yessirree Bob, I guess I am a jinx. Last summer I was in Alaska, playing hockey every day and I watched every playoff game in Humpy's pub on C street in Anchorage. I got a lot of fish and chips and a lot of beer from sympathetic Wings fans. This year I am in Arabia and had to wake up at 4:30 in order to watch this epic game.

I slept through my alarm.

But I DID wake up to this amazing sight in my inbox;

The "THE PITTSBURGH PENGUINS ARE THE" was all I needed!!!!! It didn't take long for me to start tearing around Amman letting everyone know that a team they have never heard of playing a sport they had never heard of won a championship that they don't care about. I care, I care.

Series analysis after I get back from the Dead Sea, but let me first say that I told you so. I was wrong on most of my other predictions, but exactly right where it counted!

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